Fairport Containers are only able to repair or refurbish containers. You will need to speak to your waste management service, to have your bin emptied. You will find their name on the front of your bin or details on your invoice.
If you own your bin, we can provide you with a repair either on or offsite. Please speak to our customer services on 01257 476 076 for further information.
If you rent a bin from a waste management service, you will need to contact them directly to arrange a repair.
If you use a waste management service to supply you with a bin, you will need to contact them directly to arrange a new bin.
If you want to buy or hire a container we can definitely help you, just contact sales on 07752 884387.
Fairport Containers are experts in waste and recycling containers or banks. We do not hold stock of or sell shipping containers.
As a refurbishment specialist we can repair your shipping container, for further information please contact customer services on 01257 476 076.
Fairport Containers do not manufacture new containers. You can contact GJF Fabrications or GWR Engineering for more information.
If you can’t get hold of a new container we can sell you a second hand one, speak to sales on 07752 884387.
Fairport Containers hold a stock of second hand containers, which we sell fully refurbished and will paint in your colours. For more information on availability and price, please contact sales on 07752 884 387.
Fairport Containers are always looking to replenish our second hand stock. Please speak to sales on 07752 884387 and they will come to you and provide you with a quote.
For specific enquiries that you can't find the answers here, please see below for a list of departments that may be able to help you. If you cannot find the department you want, please contact Head Office on 01257 476 076.
Sales Team :- 07752 884 387
Accounts Department :- 01257 476 067
Transport Department :- 01257 476 082
Customer Services :- 01257 476 076